Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Max-ing it out

Now I'm not talking my credit card, I'm talking my wardrobe.
Two years ago I bought my first maxi dress, and I fell in maxi love.
They are easy breezy and you can eat as many donuts as you want
without the little food baby popping out!
I've been hunting around looking for some new ones for the pending Summer.
The only downside - my Texan hottie hates them. 
He argues that they remind him of old woman and pregnant ladies. 
But hey, old woman can be graceful and pregnant woman are always said to be glowing looking
so why wouldn't I want to be graceful and glowing looking in my maxi dress??!
Here are some possibilities I'm looking at


My personal favourite for only $14.50!

Easy to dress up with a fancy slip under

Halter style


Michael Stars

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