Friday, April 13, 2012

Awesome and Awkward Friday

Breaking down in tears to the terribly unco-operative man at the Amtrak desk. Embarrassment did reach a new level that day, added to it were the people around me with looks of pure disbelief that I could have this much emotion inside of me
Running up to give a lady a big hug when you thought she was the mother of your new sister-in-law only to realise she was the sister of the mother. Thankfully she just thought I was a very enthusiastic little Irish girl
Being asked where my adult accompaniment was when I went through security at the airport. No ma'am I don't need one, I'M 24 NOT 12!

Being re-united with my hubby after 10 days, I repeat 10 DAYS! We did get an "awww that's sweet" at the airport when I squished him with my kisses
Finding my long lost necklace in the nook of my suitcase. Another reunion made with my lost jewellery. It was such a sweet and joyful reunion involving squeals of delight
Getting my keys stuck in the craney of my car trunk and seeing that there is still some decent human nature out there. Not one but five men came to my rescue with pliers, and screwdrivers and little square metal things. I was told however that me and my bobby pin would be useless in the task, best leave it to the men. Thank you Walmart men!! 

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