Thursday, April 19, 2012

Inspire Me

Lately I've just not felt very inspired to dress up when I
pick my clothes for the day. BUT the Texan and I went up to NYC
on Tuesday and there's nothing like a trip to the fashion metropolis to
induce some fashion inspiration!!
So I came home and spent the morning frolicking my fav blogs for some
more inspiration then I accidentally took a wrong turn tonight and 
ended up at the mall, opps! 
Somehow my little feet pitter pattered their way into Forever21 and I was
lost, hook line and sinker, I was suckered into walking through its brightly
lit doorway, it's like the lights shone upon me as I walked in, they flashed
my name in bright lights and I was a goner. A successful goner though
Here's some more inspiration I found 

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