Thursday, June 28, 2012


What a week!! 
I am glad that I am finally on the other side of what was an incredible stressful, 
junior high kid induced, mosquito biting and sweat overloaded, week!
Apologies for the absence but when you have 35 junior high kids
to be responsible for, everything else just drops to the bottom of the pile. 
Well wedding number two is approaching fast. In less than a week I will be on 
a plane back to the motherland for some tea and scones and family/friend loving time.
Oh yes, and a wedding.
Now that the time is creeping closer and closer I am like a fat kid who can see the
chocolate cake but just can't quite get close enough.
So to keep me preoccupied I have been hunting around for little gifts for people
involved in the wedding, who have done an incredible job of helping
de-stress my mum and adding their own little touches to what will be, no doubt, 
a beautiful day.
Here are some ideas I've come up with...

 These mugs from Anthropologie are the perfect gift for anyone and so
easy to fancy up. Add a little bag with marshmallows and some hot 
chocolate and you have a simple yet sweet gift.


 Personally I would love this gift. This is for the garden lover.
I thought it would be perfect for the girls that helped with all
the table flowers and bouquets.

Strange as a gift, maybe. But my Dad has taken to bee-hiving
and for favours has made little pots of home made honey from 
our very own bees.
So I thought this was a perfect thank you gift.

For the ladies that have helped with food. 
How cute are these!!!??

Now that the gifts are sorted, gift wrapping is next on the agenda

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