Sugar once, sugar twice, sugar three times
makes everything nice
Mmmm cupcakes. Chocolates cupcakes, angel food cupcakes,
dulce de leche cupcakes. I LOVE THEM ALL!
I was faffing around the internet and came across this
oh so amazing cupcake shop in California called "Enjoy Cupcakes".
They cater for weddings too, and if I were getting married
in America, HANDS DOWN I would be hiring these people!
Just check out these photos. If they don't make your keyboard
soggy from the saliva dripping out your mouth
I don't know what will.
I'm jumping in my car and heading to the nearest
cupcake shop to appetize (another made up word) the craving.
A pink caravan! With a table full of cupcakes!! When can I move in?? |
Cinnamon caramel cheesecake cupcakes. Um hello heaven?! Check out their adorable blog here |
i. can't. handle. this. aaaaahhhhh iiiiii loooove cuuupcaaakes!!!!