Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I think colour just makes everything so much happier looking
I love seeing colour in food, in home decor, in clothing, even on the tv.
Come on don't tell me that those paint adverts don't catch your attention! 
When I see all that colour come together it just makes me happy, that's a huge part
why I love putting colours together in the clothes I wear, because the brighter the clothes
the happier I seem to be. Who knew that bright red and blue could put that big a smile on my face?!
I've never been a fan of neutral colours, neither has my skin. 
I put them on and instantly my skin colour has dropped a shade and people around me are
asking "Do you feel ok? You like kind of sick."
Once you start looking, you can find colour everywhere. 
I think we're so busy sometimes that we just keep going as fast as we can 
not taking time to stop and look around at what's passing us by.
So it's time to STOP and just look at the amazing array of colours
that are floating past us, and maybe it'll even put a smile on your face :)

Now don't you feel just a little happier???

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