Friday, March 9, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Friday

-Being pulled over, which is always a little embarrassing in itself, but not noticing the bright flashing blue and red lights for a solid 60-90 seconds because I was singing rather enthusiastically to some "classic sing-a-long" music. Once I notice him right beside me waving his hand to push me to the side, I politely slow down and pull up on the side. Once I flap and flaff that I didn't realise how fast I was going because my music was up loud, he tells me that yes he noticed I was engrossed in my music because he could see me singing along to it. All this is very embarrassing and altogether very awkward but the most humiliating thing was yet to come when he asks me who was I singing to. Oh how I wish I was listening to some real popular 80's band like Led Zeppelin or The Stones but NO I was listening to Celine Dion. With that he smirked, gave me a warning, told me to turn my music down and sent me on my red faced way.
-Trying very hard to put petrol in my car, sliding my card into the slot and getting nowhere only to be told by the nice lady beside me, "Oh sweetie, you're using your store card to try and pay". Opps

-Seeing Chad Michael Murray's return on One Tree Hill!! Even though his hair was terrible (someone please tell that boy, that the curtain hairstyle went out when NSync went down the pooper), he still slow motioned onto my screen in all his glory. It would however have been made so much more epic if Peyton had showed up. 
-Bargains! My week was a whole bargain wrapped up in a bow full of dresses all got at a stealthy price. The sale fairy has been on my shoulder all week sprinkling discount prices on all the clothing I picked up. 
-Finding my favourite childhood food and rediscovering all those kid like tastebuds. Potato smiley faces, they put a smile on my face! (Check out the cheese on the line!)

What can I say.....
Normal gets boring

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